Guidelines for defining substantial modernisation at regional level


Elia is organising a public consultation on guidelines for defining substantial modernisation at regional level. The note submitted for consultation has already been discussed informally with the regional regulators and with the members of the Working Group Belgian Grid.



The Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (European Network Code RfG) and the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1388 of 17 August 2016 establishing a network code on demand connection (European Network Code DCC) define the requirements for the connection of new power-generating modules and demand facilities. These requirements are completedwith the decisions of BRUGEL, CWaPE and VREG on the Requirements of General Application. Article 4.1, a) of the European Network Codes RfG and DCC defines the applicability of these Codes to the power-generating module or demand facilities that are considered to be existing in case of substantial modernisation of these power-generating module or demand facilities.

Substantial modernisation takes place when the intended changes to an existing installation, based on the assessment criteria listed by Elia, are considered to be sufficiently major to require full or partial compliance with requirements applicable to new power-generating module or demand facilities.

These guidelines for defining a substantial modernisation of power-generating module or demand facilities considered as existing include the principles of a substantial modernisation, the process of a substantial modernisation, the criteria of a total or partial substantial modernisation and some examples of a substantial modernisation.

For the application to the “plaatselijk vervoersnet” in Flanders, Article 4.1 of the European grid codes RfG and DCC is further elaborated in the “Technisch Reglement Plaatselijk Vervoernet van Elektriciteit”, in Articles III.3.1.3 and III.3.1.4 for power-generating module and in Articles III.3.2.2 and III.3.2.3 for demand facilities. In accordance with these articles, this note will be submitted to the VREG for approval after public consultation. 

In Wallonia and Brussels, Article 4.1 of the European grid codes RfG and DCC is directly applicable to the Local Transmission System and the Regional Transmission System respectively. The note will be sent to the CWaPE and BRUGEL for their information. 


Elia invites all stakeholders to submit any comments and suggestions they may have on the document submitted for consultation. 

The consultation period runs from Monday 19 April 2021 to Sunday 16 May 2021. 

After the consultation period, Elia collects all comments and feedback from the market parties. Elia will analyse these comments and integrate them into a consultation report together with Elia’s responses. In addition to the consultation report, Elia will publish the reactions of the market parties (including names) on the website, unless it is explicitly stated that the contribution is to be considered confidential.  

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