To comply with the European Network Codes, Elia is required to publish the (non-confidential) terms and conditions or methodologies that have been established as part of the EU network Codes and approved by the competent regulatory authorities (or if no such approval is required, to publish them after their establishment). These terms and/or conditions or methodologies are listed hereunder, structured per Network Code. More information on the implementation of the EU Network Codes can be found here.

Connection Codes:

  • Requirements for Generators (RfG)
  • Demand Connection Code (DCC)
  • High Voltage Direct Current Connections (HVDC)

Market Codes:

  • Capacity Allocation & Congestion Management (CACM)
Topic Decision date Documents
CCR Amendment 01 April 2019 ACER Decision 04/2019 on TSOs' proposal for amendment of CCRs

Annex 1 to ACER Decision
Scheduled Exchanges - Intra-day 21 February 2019 All TSOs' proposal for calculating Scheduled Exchanges resulting from single intra-day coupling
Scheduled Exchanges - Day-ahead 14 February 2019 All TSOs' proposal for calculating Scheduled Exchanges resulting from single day-ahead coupling
Channel - Coordinated Redispatching and Countertrading Methodology (art 35 CACM) and Cost sharing Methodology (art 74 CACM) 24 January 2019 Channel TSOs' proposal for RD and CT Methodology

Channel TSOs' proposal for RD and CT Cost Sharing Methodology

Explanatory Note for Channel RD and CT Methodology and Cost sharing methodology

All Channel NRAs' decision

CREG Decision (B) 1894
Channel – Day-Ahead & Intraday Capacity Calculation 06 December 2018 Channel TSOs' proposal of common capacity calculation methodology for the day-ahead and intraday market timeframe
Channel CNTC approach Capacity Calculations 29 November 2018 Channel Capacity Calculation Region TSOs’ proposal for the application of the net transfer capacity (CNTC) approach to our Capacity Calculations
Channel Fallback 29 November 2018 Channel TSOs' proposal for fallback procedures
Intraday Cross-Zonal Gate Opening and Gate Closure Times 24 April 2018

ACER Decision

Annex 1

Congestion Income Distribution Methodology 14 December 2017


Annex 1: Congestion income distribution methodology

Annex 2: Evaluation of responses to the consultation on the Congestion income distribution methodology with all regulatory authorities and TSOs

Maximum & Minimum prices – Day-ahead 14 November 2017 ACER decision: DECISION OF THE AGENCY FOR THE COOPERATION OF ENERGY REGULATORS No 04/2017

Annex 1: Harmonised maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead coupling

Annex 2: Evaluation on the proposal on harmonised maximum and minimum clearing prices
Maximum & Minimum prices – Intraday 14 November 2017 ACER decision: DECISION OF THE AGENCY FOR THE COOPERATION OF ENERGY REGULATORS No 05/2017

Annex 1: Harmonised maximum and minimum clearing prices for single intraday coupling

Annex 2: Evaluation on the proposal on harmonised maximum and minimum clearing prices
Day Ahead Firmness Deadline 15 June 2017 All TSOs’ proposal for the day-ahead firmness deadline (DAFD)
Common Grid Model 18 May 2017 All TSOs’ proposal for a common grid model methodology
Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology 12 January 2017 All TSOs’ proposal for a generation and load data provision methodology
MNA Proposal 22 December 2016 Proposal for Multiple NEMO Arrangements (MNA) for the Belgian bidding zone
Determination of capacity calculation regions 17 November 2016

Decision of the ACER on the electricity Transmission System Operators' proposal for the determination of Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs)

Annex 1: Definition of the Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs)

Annex 2: Evaluation of responses to the public consultation on the CCRs Proposal

Annex 3: Evaluation of responses to the NRA and TSO consultation on the preliminary draft Agency Decision on the CCRs Proposal

Annex 4: Technical justification document for the inclusion of the border between DE/LU/AT in the determination of CCRs

Annex 5: Opinion of the ACER on the compliance of national regulatory authorities decisions on allocation of cross-border transmission capacity in CE Europe and management of available transfer capacity of interconnections

Annex 6: Amendment of the proposal in order to include the BE-GB border

  • Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA)
Topic Decision date Documents
Harmonised Allocation Rules - amendment 29 October 2019

ACER Decision 14/2019 on TSOs' proposal for amendment of the harmonised allocation rules for long-term transmission rights

Annex 1 to ACER Decision

Congestion Income Distribution (CID) 22 May 2019

All TSOs' proposal for a congestion income distribution (CID) methodology

Annex 1 - sharing keys

Explanatory note

Common Grid Model Methodology 4 July 2018 All TSOs’ proposal for a common grid model methodology
Regional design of long-term transmission rights for Core region 21 June 2018 Core CCR TSOs’ proposal for the regional design of long-term transmission rights

Explanatory Note
Definition of long-term nomination rules for Channel region 19 April 2018 Proposal for nomination rules for Physical Transmission Rights for the bidding zone borders of the Channel region
Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology 8 March 2018 All TSOs’ proposal for a generation and load data provision methodology
Regional design of long-term transmission rights for Channel region 22 February 2018 Channel TSOs proposal for the regional design of long-term transmission rights
Single Allocation Platform Proposal 16 November 2017

All TSOs’ proposal for the establishment of a Single Allocation Platform (SAP) and for the cost sharing methodology

Explanatory Note

Regional Specific Annex for Core to the Harmonised Allocation Rules 16 October 2017 Regional Specific Annex for CCR Core to the Harmonised Allocation Rules for long-term transmission rights
Harmonised Allocation Rules for long-term transmission right 2 October 2017 ACER decision: DECISION OF THE AGENCY FOR THE COOPERATION OF ENERGY REGULATORS No 03/2017

Annex 1: Harmonised Allocation Rules for long-term transmission rights

Annex 2: Evaluation of responses to the NRAs and TSOs consultation on the HAR Proposal
  • Electricity Balancing (EB)
Topic Decision date Documents
Methodology for a list of standard products for balancing capacity
17 June 2020

ACER Decision: 11-2020 on the Methodology for a list of standard products for balancing capacity

Annex I: Methodology for a list of standard products for balancing capacity for frequency restoration reserves and replacement reserves

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the public consultation on the methodology for a list of standard products for balancing capacity for frequency restoration reserves and replacement reserves

Methodology for a co-optimised allocation process of cross-zonal capacity
17 June 2020

ACER Decision: 12-2020 on the Methodology for a co-optimised allocation process of cross-zonal capacity

Annex I: Methodology for co-optimised allocation process of cross-zonal capacity

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the public consultation on the methodology for a co-optimised allocation process of cross-zonal capacity

Methodology for classifying the activation purposes of balancing
energy bids
15 July 2020

ACER Decision: 16-2020 on the Methodology for classifying the activation purposes of balancing energy bids

Annex I: Methodology for classifying the activation purposes of balancing energy bids

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the public consultation on the Methodology for classifying the activation purposes of balancing energy bids

Common settlement rules applicable to all intended exchanges of energy as a result of the reserve replacement process, the frequency restoration process with manual and automatic activation and the imbalance netting process
15 July 2020

ACER Decision: 17-2020 on Common settlement rules applicable to all intended exchanges of energy as a result of the reserve replacement process, the frequency restoration process with manual and automatic activation and the imbalance netting process

Annex I: Common settlement rules applicable to all intended exchanges of energy as a result of the reserve replacement process, the frequency restoration process with manual and automatic activation and the imbalance netting process

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the public consultation on the Common settlement rules applicable to all intended exchanges of energy as a result of the reserve replacement process, the frequency restoration process with manual and automatic activation and the imbalance netting process

Harmonisation of the main features of imbalance settlement
15 July 2020

ACER Decision: 17-2020 on the Harmonisation of the main features of imbalance settlement

Annex I: Harmonisation of the main features of imbalance settlement

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the public consultation on the Harmonisation of the main features of imbalance settlement

All asynchronously connected TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for all intended exchanges of energy between synchronous areas as a result of the frequency containment process and of ramping restrictions
27 May 2020 All asynchronously connected TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for all intended exchanges of energy between synchronous areas as a result of the frequency containment process and of ramping restrictions
All continental European TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for intended exchanges of energy as a result of the frequency containment process and ramping period
11 June 2020 All continental European TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for intended exchanges of energy as a result of the frequency containment process and ramping period
All continental European TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy
11 June 2020 All continental European TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy
Implementation Framework for a European platform for the imbalance netting process
24 June 2020

ACER Decision: 13-2020 on the Implementation framework for the European platform for the imbalance netting process

Annex I: Implementation Framework for IN Platform

Corrigendum to ACER Decision 13-2020

Implementation framework for a European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation 24 January 2020

Acer Decision: 03-2020 on the Implementation framework for mFRR Platform

Annex I: Implementation framework for mFRR Platform

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the NRAs and consultation with TSOs on the mFRR

Implementation framework for a European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation 24 January 2020

ACER Decision: 02-2020 on the Implementation framework for aFRR Platform

Annex I: Implementation framework for aFRR Platform

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the NRAs and consultation with TSOs on the aFRR

Methodology to determine prices for the balancing energy that results from the activation of balancing energy bids for the frequency restoration process 25 February 2022

ACER Decision: 03-2022 on Amendment on the Methodology for pricing balancing energy

ACER Decision: 01-2020 on the Methodology for pricing balancing energy

Annex I: Methodology for pricing balancing energy

Annex II: Evaluation of responses to the NRAs and consultation with TSOs on the Pricing Proposal

All asynchronously connected TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy between synchronous areas 9 January 2020 All asynchronously connected TSOs’ proposal for Common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy between synchronous areas
Common and harmonised rules and processes for the exchange and procurement of FCR 18 December 2018 All TSOs' proposal for article 33(1) of EBGL
Exemption from the obligation to allow balancing service providers to transfer their obligations to provide FCR 18 December 2018 All TSOs proposal for article 34(1) of EBGL
Exemption from the requirement to carry out the procurement of upward and downward balancing capacity of aFRR separately 18 December 2018 Proposal for exemption according to article 32(3) of EBGL


Operational codes:

  • System Operation Guideline (SO GL)
Topic Decision date Documents
FCR additional properties 21 January 2021 The Additional Properties of FCR in accordance with article 154(2) of SOGL
Key Organisational Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities (KORRR) relating to Data Exchange 19 December 2018 ACER Decision

All TSOs’ proposal for the KORRR relating to Data Exchange

Supporting document
Common Grid Model Methodology 17 September 2018 All TSOs’ proposal for a common grid model methodology


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