Electricity Market Facilitation
Elia shares the European ambition of having an integrated electricity market and encouraging various market players to provide system services.

Integrating electricity markets: capacity calculation & allocation
Coordinated capacity calculation and capacity allocation mechanisms enable electricity to be commercially exchanged across borders, from year-ahead to intraday, providing Belgian market parties with access to markets in other countries. Elia and other TSOs use transparent and non-discriminatory methods to calculate and allocate the available cross-border transmission capacities.
- Delivery of pan-European methodologies through ENTSO-E.
- Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC): Elia is part of the joint project of transmission system operators and NEMOs. The purpose of this project is the EU-wide introduction of integrated price coupling for the day-ahead market. The project itself is based on a previous project, Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC).
- Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC), a project to set up European cross-border intraday market coupling (increasing the integration already achieved via the XBID project).
- Elia is active in both the Core and Channel Capacity Calculation Regions (CCR), building upon expertise acquired through the set-up of market integration processes in the Central Western Europe (CWE) region.