Payments for Walloon green certificates

Each month, Elia publishes the dates of receipt of payment requests relating to transactions approved by CWaPE.

How are the payments made?

Elia will make the relevant payments within 45 days of receiving sales transaction requests for Walloon green certificates from the administrative authority (art 24 sexies Decree of the Walloon Government relating to public service obligations in the electricity market of 30.03.2006).

In the event that the seller of the green certificates is subject to VAT or his green electricity installation exceeds a power of 10 kVA, the seller must send an invoice to Elia. Elia will pay according to the payment conditions defined in the AGW and at the latest within 30 days of the end of the month following the date of the invoice.

By sending an invoice to Elia for the guaranteed payment of the green certificates, the producer of the green certificates waives the applicability of his own conditions of sale.

The price of each green certificate that the local transmission system operator is required to buy is set at €65.

 Date of receipt of the requests for payment
 Validated by administrative authority Date upon which Elia has received
the list of requests for payment
August 2024 08 October 2024 
July 2024 06 September 2024
June 2024 01 August 2024
May 2024 04 July 2024
April 2024 13 June 2024
March 2024 02 May 2024
February 2024 10 April 2024
January 2024 12 March 2024
December 2023 19 February 2024
November 2023 18 January 2024
October 2023 11 December 2023
September 2023 08 November 2023
August 2023 09 October 2023
July 2023 06 September 2023
June 2023 08 August 2023
May 2023 10 July 2023
April 2023 08 June 2023
March 2023 09 May 2023
February 2023 05 April 2023
January 2023 08 March 2023
December 2022 07 February 2023
November 2022 10 January 2023
October 2022 08 December 2022
September 2022 09 November 2022
August 2022 06 October 2022
July 2022 07 September 2022
June 2022 03 August 2022
May 2022 07 July 2022
April 2022 09 June 2022
March 2022 05 May 2022
February 2022 07 April 2022
January 2022 09 March 2022
December 2021 07 February 2022
November 2021 07 January 2022

  • Archive - Date of receipt of the requests for payment
    Date of receipt of the requests for payment
    Validated by administrative authority Date upon which Elia has received
    the list of requests for payment
    October 2021 10 December 2021
    September 2021 10 November 2021
    August 2021 07 October 2021
    July 2021 08 September 2021
    June 2021 06 August 2021
    May 2021 07 July 2021
    April 2021 09 June 2021
    March 2021 10 May 2021
    February 2021 09 April 2021
    January 2021 08 March 2021
    December 2020 08 February 2021
    November 2020 07 January 2021
    October 2020 08 December 2020
    Septembre 2020 09 November 2020
    August 2020 08 October 2020
     July 2020 04 September 2020
     June 2020 06 August 2020
    May 2020 09 July 2020 
    April 2020 05 June 2020 
    March 2020 07 May 2020 
    February 2020 06 April 2020 
    January 2020 06 March 2020 
    December 2019 07 February 2020 
    November 2019 14 January 2020 
    October  2019 29 November 2019
    September 2019 08 November 2019
    August 2019 08 October 2019
    July 2019 10 September 2019
    June 2019 12 August 2019
    May 2019 08 July 2019
    April 2019 07 June 2019
    March 2019 09 May 2019
    February 2019 05 April 2019
    January 2019 13 March 2019
    December 2018 08 February 2019
    November 2018 09 January 2019
    October 2018 06 December 2018
    September 2018 08 November 2018
    August 2018 12 October 2018
    July 2018 07 September 2018
    June 2018 07 August 2018
    May 2018 06 July 2018
    April 2018  07 June 2018
    March 2018 09 May 2018
    February 2018 06 April 2018
    January 2018 09 March 2018

Important change

 Under the Transfer Decree adopted by the Walloon Parliament on 31 January 2019, which amends the Decree of 12 April 2001 on the organisation of the regional electricity market, the Walloon Public Service for Spatial Planning, Housing, Heritage and Energy took over the treatment of the files concerning green production since 1 May 2019. For the comprehension of the site, the term 'administrative authority' should be understood as referring to CWaPE before 30 April 2019 and the Walloon Public Service for Spatial Planning, Housing, Heritage and Energy from 1 May 2019 onwards.

If you could not find the answer to your question on our website, you can contact us for further assistance.  You can reach us by email or phone between 9.00 a.m. and 12 noon, Monday to Friday.
If you have questions about entering your meter reading or having your sales transactions approved on the administrative authority's extranet, please contact the administrative authority directly.
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