08 April 2019
Elia contemplates to update organisation
Elia contemplates to implement an internal reorganization project aiming at isolating and ring-fencing the Belgian regulated activities of Elia from its non-regulated activities.
In parallel, Elia’s board of directors has unanimously decided that an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting will be convened on 21 May 2019 to request the authorisation for the board of directors to increase the capital of Elia (authorised capital).

Elia contemplates to update its organization to allow a ring-fencing between regulated and nonregulated activities in Belgium
Elia envisage de modifier son organisation afin de cantonner ses activités régulées en Belgique de ses activités non régulées
Elia bekijkt aangepaste organisatiestructuur die toelaat om gereguleerde en niet-gereguleerde activiteiten in België te scheiden