18 November 2022
Elia Group study on “Powering Industry towards Net Zero” notes one constant demand: electrification combined with access to low-carbon electrons at stable and affordable prices
European industry is undergoing an immense transformation. Over the past few years, industry’s approach to the climate crisis has become a combative urge to invest in sustainable practices and processes. Electricity will play a key role in this transformation, as confirmed in the present study. By 2030, industrial electricity consumption is expected to grow by 40% and 50% in Germany and Belgium respectively.
- Over the past year, Elia Group has worked very closely with over 50 industrial stakeholders, whose processes make up 70% of industrial energy consumption in Belgium and Germany (50Hertz area), to sketch out possible pathways to net zero
- In all considered scenarios, access to affordable low-carbon electrons is crucial for accelerating the electrification of industry, making it more resilient and sustainable
- The rapid expansion of renewable energy therefore occupies a crucial position in industrial decision-making

Press releases
Elia Group study on “Powering Industry towards Net Zero” notes one constant demand: electrification combined with access to low-carbon electrons at stable and affordable prices
L'étude d’Elia Group « Powering Industry towards Net Zero » met en avant un besoin clair de l’industrie : l’électrification combinée à un accès à une électricité bas carbone, à des prix stables et abordables
Elia Group publiceert met “Powering Industry Towards Net Zero” een studie over de elektrificatie van de industrie. Er is één constante vraag: elektrificatie in combinatie met CO2 arme elektronen aan een stabiele en betaalbare prijs