12 January 2023
Elia Transmission Belgium has successfully placed its inaugural €500 million Green Bond
Elia Transmission Belgium has successfully placed a €500 million Green Bond under its €3 billion Euro Medium Term Notes (“EMTN”) programme to be listed on the Euro MTF of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
On 11 January 2023 Elia Transmission Belgium NV/SA (“ETB”) successfully priced its inaugural €500 million Green Bond transaction. The bonds carry a coupon of 3.625% and have a 10-year bullet maturity due 18 January 2033. The settlement of the bonds will take place on 18 January 2023 and the bonds are expected to be admitted to trading on the Euro MTF Luxembourg Stock Exchange on or about the same day. The issue is rated BBB+ by S&P Global, in line with the long term issuer credit rating, which was confirmed on 22 December 2022.

Press releases
Elia Transmission Belgium has successfully placed its inaugural €500 million Green Bond
Elia Transmission Belgium a émis avec succès sa première obligation verte de €500 millions
Elia Transmission Belgium heeft met succes haar eerste groene obligatie ter waarde van €500 miljoen uitgegeven