Agenda 4 October 2022

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Users’ Group plenary meeting of June 4th 2022
  2. Federal Development Plan 2024-2034
  3. WG Belgian Grid: state of play of ongoing work
  4. WG Balancing: state of play of ongoing work
    1. Taskforce MOG II
  5. WG Consumer Centric Market Design: state of play of ongoing work
  6. WG Adequacy: state of play of ongoing work
  7. WG System Operations & European Market Design: state of play of ongoing work
  8. Miscellaneous
    1. Vision Point: decarbonistation of het industry and its impact
    2. Ongoing public consultations
    3. Last plenary meeting: Tuesday 06/12 – 2p.m. to 5p.m.
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