Transparency obligations
Transparency on Grid Data contributes to the European electricity market and to the compliance, and is subject to a set of obligations stemming from European regulations and network codes.
General principles
Elia contributes to energy market transparency by publishing various data and information on its website and through external platforms:- These publications provide market participants with the data needed to ensure, in partnership with Elia, the proper functioning of the electricity system and market.
- They ensure availability of the data in accordance with national and European legislation and regulations, including transparency regulation, REMIT regulation, European network codes and network management directives.
Internal publication initiatives
In addition to these Elia initiatives, the European context imposes on us various Transparency obligations, falling into different regulatory domains, specified below.
European regulation on submission and publication of data in electricity markets

In accordance with European Commission Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets, ENTSO-E has set up a European transparency platform in early 2015. This platform serves as a central repository for all the data required under the Regulation.
See the ENTSO-E website for more details about the background, the content of the published information and the publication procedure.
EU REMIT Regulation

Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency sets out a number of obligations for market parties (including TSOs) with regard to the provision of information. Some of these publications have to be transmitted to ACER using the platform created for that purpose.
See the ACER and CREG websites for more details about the background, the content of the published information and the publication procedure.
Network codes and guidelines

Network codes are a set of rules established jointly by a number of parties, including the Commission, ENTSO-E and ACER, to facilitate the harmonisation, integration and efficient operation of the European electricity market. The adoption of these network codes and the associated guidelines creates additional transparency obligations for market parties (including TSOs). These will gradually be incorporated into our publishing workflows.
See the European Commission and ENTSO-E websites for more details about the background, the content of the published information and the publication procedure.