Congestion management
This section provides an overview of the congestion management actions performed by Elia, either for its own needs or to support a neighboring TSO

Commission Regulation (EU) n° 543/2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets defines the concepts of Redispatching and Countertrading as follows :
- “Redispatching” : Measure activated by one or several system operators by altering the generation and/or load pattern in order to change physical flows in the transmission system and relieve a physical congestion. Further distinction can be made between:
- Internal Redispatching : All redispatching bids are performed in the control area where the congestion is located.
- Cross-Border Redispatching : The redispatching bids are performed in different control areas.
- “Countertrading” : Cross zonal exchange initiated by system operators between two bidding zones to relieve physical congestion.
High level overview of the Channel Redispatching / Countertrading Actions by Elia
In accordance with the Channel CCR methodology for Coordinated Redispatching and Countertrading which requires that each Channel TSO should publish on their respective website a high-level overview of the RD and CT Action that could be activated to restore the balance of their grid after a redispatching/countertrading on a Channel Interconnector (Nemo Link in Elia's case), you will find this overview in this document.
Improvement of the quality of input data for congestion management
On December 9, 2021, CREG issued decision (B)658E/73 on the targets to be achieved by Elia in 2022 in the framework of the system balance as referred to in Article 27 of the tariff methodology. One of the incentives fixed in this decision is “Improvement of the quality of input data for congestion management”. The description indicates that the incentive primarily includes a report on the analysis of the most significant deviations between predictions and reality and an examination of possible short- and long-term solutions and secondly, includes a recommendation and proposal for implementation of concrete solutions in the form of a roadmap for the future. The final report can be downloaded here. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the current modelling practices (Individual and Common Grid Model) and to show transparency on the actual quality of the input data for congestion management. The report also covers a root-cause analysis of deviations in the input data (different forecasts f.e. wind, solar, load,…) and an implementation roadmap of a series of improvements.
Quarterly Congestion Management Report
- Information on the quality of the following forecasts used as operational input data for the creation of the Individual Grid Models (IGM)
- Information on the quality of output data
- Information about the timing, power, location, and purpose for activations of Costly Remedial Actions by Elia.