Ghent Seaport

Security of supply for industry and the environment in the Ghent port area

Elia is working on a strong high-voltage grid in and around Ghent Seaport. The existing infrastructure is being upgraded, new high-voltage substations are being constructed and new connections are being added. Once complete, the many industrial players in the port area can continue to count on a reliable and sustainable electricity grid in the future.

  • texteIn the interest of society
    Elia is currently implementing various projects that will strengthen the high-voltage grid in and around the Ghent port area. This is necessary because electricity consumption in the region is growing strongly. Through new investments in the high-voltage grid, Elia ensures that the supply of electricity for companies in the port remains guaranteed in the future.
  • texteProjects

    Elia carries out the following activities within the framework of the Ghent Seaport project:

    • Sub-project 1: the Baekeland high-voltage substation
      To meet growing demand for electricity in Ghent Seaport, Elia is building a new 380 kV and 150 kV high-voltage substation (Baekeland). It will pave the way for three changes. Firstly, greater reception capacity, which means that more electricity will be able to flow into the 150 kV grid. Secondly, clients with high electricity needs will be able to connect directly to the 380 kV grid. Last but not least, the Baekeland high-voltage substation will enable Elia to optimise electricity flows on the 380 kV grid.
    • Sub-project 2: the Kennedylaan and Rodenhuize high-voltage substations
      Elia is upgrading the high-voltage substation on the Kennedylaan. Various installations are at the end of their lifespan, which means that the planned work on the 36 kV substation is necessary. The upgraded substation will also allow better integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid. Elia is upgrading the Rodenhuize high-voltage substation as well. Various installations are at the end of their lifespan there too, which means that the planned work on the 150 kV substation is necessary.
    • Sub-project 3: laying underground power cables between the Kennedylaan and Rodenhuize high-voltage substations
      Elia will lay underground cables between the Kennedylaan and Rodenhuize high-voltage substations while work is being carried out on them. 
    • Sub-project 4: the Kluizendok high-voltage substation
      To meet increasing demand for connection capacity from the industrial zones around the Kluizendok on the left bank, Elia is building a new 150 kV Gas-Insulated-System (GIS) high-voltage substation. Four new transformers will convert electricity from 150 kV to 12 kV and 36 kV. Elia will then be able to create extra connection points for additional grid users and the distribution system operator Fluvius. Elia will run two (150 kV) high-voltage cables between the Rodenhuize and Baekeland high-voltage substations and the new Kluizendok high-voltage substation.


  • environnementEnvironment
    When implementing its infrastructure projects, Elia attaches a great deal of importance to engaging in dialogue with companies and businesses in the project zone. Mutual agreements are made to ensure the work can be carried out safely and efficiently. Elia makes every effort to minimise disruption. Businesses will remain accessible at all times to employees, customers and suppliers.
    • Elia will work in phases to limit the duration and scale of the impact on the surrounding area.
    • The supply of electricity will remain guaranteed.
    • Access to businesses will be possible at all times while the work is in progress.
    • In the event of a specific or temporary increase in disruption for a specific reason, Elia or its subcontractors will always send out individual letters to those affected to notify them.
    • Possible diversions will be discussed with the relevant authorities and announced to local residents in advance.
    • Elia will keep everyone concerned informed of the project schedule and upcoming phases by posting the latest information on its website.
  • Schedule

    The work in the vicinity of Ghent Seaport has been divided into various sub-projects. The planning of these projects is as follows:

    Sub-project 1: work on the Baekeland high-voltage substation

    • Start of work: 2024
    • End of work: 2030

    Sub-projects 2 & 3: work on the Kennedylaan and Rodenhuize high-voltage substations and underground cables

    • Permit application: autumn 2022
    • Start of work: spring 2023
    • End of work: 2028

    Sub-project 4: the Kluizendok high-voltage substation

    • Permit application: autumn 2024
    • Start of work: autumn 2026
    • End of work: 2029
  • docDocuments

    Laying an underground cable (in Dutch)

    What is a high-voltage substation? (in Dutch)

Contact us

If you are affected by a project and want to ask us something, please feel free to contact us.
Our team would be happy to help.

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