Public consultation on the Rules on the organization of the Transfer of energy and the FSP Contract DA/ID
Elia is organizing a public consultation on the Rules on the organization of the Transfer of energy and the FSP Contract DA/ID in the context of the implementation of Transfer of energy (ToE) for the day-ahead and intraday markets.
The proposed amendments to the Rules on the organization of the Transfer of energy (hereafter, ToE Rules) relate to the extension of the field of application of these rules towards the day-ahead and intraday markets. These amendments to the ToE Rules follow the study performed in 2019 on the relevance of extending the Transfer of Energy mechanism to the day-ahead and intraday markets of 2019, and the consolidated design note consulted during the summer of 2020.
In addition to the proposed amendments to the ToE Rules, this public consultation also comprises a proposal for the FSP Contract DA/ID. This contract describes the rights and obligations for Elia and the flexibility service provider intending to valorize flexibility on the day-ahead and intraday markets. Both documents are available at the bottom of this page.
The explanatory note furthermore provides an overview of the main proposed amendments to the ToE Rules, as well as an overview of the content of the FSP Contract DA/ID.
Finally, the proposed amendments of the ToE Rules also require amending the terms and conditions for balance responsible parties (T&C BRP). The proposed amendments to the T&C BRP will be publically consulted during a period largely overlapping the period of the present consultation.
Elia invites all stakeholders to submit any comments and suggestions they may have on the documents submitted for consultation.
The consultation period runs from 19 October 2020 to 19 November 2020.
After the consultation period, Elia will analyze and integrate in a consultation report the collected reactions from the market parties as well as Elia’s responses to them. Elia will publish on its website this consultation report together with the reactions of the market parties (including names) that are not explicitly indicated as confidential.
Documents for consultation
Explanatory note on the Rules organizing the Transfer of enerfy and the FSP Contract DA/ID
Rules organizing the Transfer of energy (in Dutch)
Rules organizing the Transfer of energy (in French)
Rules organizing the Transfer of energy with track changes (in Dutch)
Rules organizing the Transfer of energy with track changes (in French)
FSP Contract DA/ID
Consultation reports
Report on the public consultation regarding the Rules on the organization of the Transfer of energy and the FSP Contract DA/ID
Final rules organizing the Transfer of Energy (in Dutch)
Final rules organizing the Transfer of Energy (in French)
Final rules organizing the Transfer of Energy with track changes (in Dutch)
Final rules organizing the Transfer of Energy with track changes (in French)
Final FSP Contract DA/ID (in English)