Balancing Energy volume and price components 1'

Elia publishes cumulative volumes and prices per product of the activated balancing energy per minute 

Cumulative activated volumes and prices per minute

This page of cumulative activated volumes and prices describes the balancing energy activated to maintain a balance in Elia’s control area.
The cumulative volume and price per minute are both indicated for every product category (if the product was actually used). Only regulation-related measures requested by Elia with a view to offsetting imbalances in the control area are included.

Time interval for publication of data

At the specified time, the most recent available data are collected and displayed as quickly as technically possible. The cumulative activated volume values published differ from those of the Current System Imbalance, as the latter are instantaneous values.
All published values are non-validated values and can therefore only be used for information purposes.


  • Quarter
    Start and end time of the corresponding quarter hour.
  • Minute

    The minute at the end of which the calculation has been performed.

    Example: “11:49” means that all events which occurred between 11:45:00.00 (hh:mm:ss) until 11:49:59.99 have been taken into account to compute the estimation of the data related to the quarter hour 11h45-12h00 

  • SI
    The System Imbalance (SI) is the difference between the unintentional deviation from the scheduled control program for the power interchange of a control area and the frequency restoration reserves activated to cover the demands of this control area. In practice, it is calculated as described in T&C BRP.
  • ACE
    The Area Control Error (ACE) is the unintentional deviation from the scheduled control program for the power interchange of a control area. (all the intentional deviations from the program, due to units delivering FCR, or due to exchanges of energy on the EU balancing platforms, are therefore excluded from the ACE). In Belgium the ACE equals the FRCE (Frequency Restoration Control Error)
  • MIP
    The marginal price of upward activations comprises, for a given quarter-hour, the lowest price of energy used for upward activations to compensate for the imbalance in the Belgian control area for that quarter-hour, a floor and a dead band. For more information see article 30 of T&C BRP
  • Floor
    The minimum value of the Marginal Incremental Price when the System Imbalance is above the dead band. The floor is computed as the maximum of the Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) in the positive and negative directions for the concerned quarter-hour.
  • IGCC+
    Imported volume from neighbouring LFC areas to the Belgian LFC area in case of negative imbalances in the Belgian LFC area.
  • aFRR+

    Average volume of the aFRR satisfied demand in the positive direction (when connected to Picasso, when disconnected the average aFRR global control target is used). Pre-PICASSO: the average over the ISP (imbalance settlement period or applicable period in case of 1 min publication) of the sum of the positive aFRR Requested signals sent to the BSPs

    Volume weighted average of the CBMP (cross border marginal price) with aFRR satisfied demand as weighing factor (when connected to Picasso). When disconnected the local marginal price and the aFRR Global Control Target are used. Pre-Picasso the aFRR Requested volume and the prices of activated bids in the upward direction are used

  • mFRR SA+
    Scheduled activated upward mFRR energy bids.
  • mFRR DA+
    Direct activated upward mFRR energy bids.
  • mFRR+
    The maximum price of the mFRR activations in the upward direction during the ISP for mFRR SA, DA and DA price of the previous quarter hour (in case there was a direct activation in the previous quarter hour that lasts until the end of the current quarter hour)
  • Reserve Sharing+
    Activated upward (import) capacity from emergency support contracts with neighboring transmission system operators. The price published is the marginal price of all reserve sharing activations requested by Elia for which we have a price.
  • MDP
    The marginal price of downward activations comprises, for a given quarter-hour, the lowest price of energy used for downward activations to compensate for the imbalance in the Belgian control area for that quarter-hour, a cap and a dead band. For more information see article 30 of T&C BRP
  • Cap
    Is the maximum value of the Marginal Decremental Price when the System Imbalance is below the dead band. The cap is computed as the minimum of the Value of Avoided Activation (VoAA) in the positive and negative directions for the concerned quarter-hour.
  • iGCC-
    Exported volume from the Belgian LFC area to neighbouring LFC areas in case of positive imbalances in the Belgian LFC area.
  • aFRR-

    Average volume of the aFRR satisfied demand in the negative direction (when connected to Picasso, when disconnected the average aFRR global control target is used). Pre-PICASSO: the average over the ISP (imbalance settlement period or applicable period in case of 1 min publication) of the sum of the positive aFRR Requested signals sent to the BSPs

    Volume weighted average of the CBMP (cross border marginal price) with aFRR satisfied demand as weighing factor (when connected to Picasso). When disconnected the local marginal price and the aFRR Global Control Target are used. Pre-Picasso the aFRR Requested volume and the prices of activated bids in the downward direction are used

  • mFRR SA-
    Scheduled activated downward mFRR energy bids.
  • mFRR DA-
    Direct activated downward mFRR energy bids.
  • mFRR-
    The minimum price of the mFRR activations in the downward direction during the ISP for mFRR SA, DA and DA price of the previous quarter hour (In case there was a direct activation in the previous quarter hour that lasts until the end of the current quarter hour)
  • Reserve Sharing -
    Activated downward (export) capacity from emergency support contracts with neighboring transmission system operators. The price published is the marginal price of all reserve sharing activations requested by Elia for which we have a price.

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