Modification of the α parameter in the tariff for maintaining and restoring the residual balance of individual access responsible parties


Elia is organising a public consultation on a modification of the α parameter in the tariff for maintaining and restoring the residual balance of individual access responsible parties. Elia proposes to introduce as soon as possible in 2022 a calibration parameter which tempers the α parameter during periods with elevated marginal incremental (MIP) or decremental price (MDP).


In the fourth quarter of 2021, Elia and stakeholders have engaged in bilateral meetings and workshops to discuss the elevated system imbalance costs and possible mitigation measures. During the workshop of October 11, stakeholders put forward the large contribution of the α parameter in the total system imbalance cost. Several stakeholders requested an assessment and potential revision (or even suspension) of the α parameter.

Following its assessment of the α parameter, Elia wants to consult the market on a proposal for a recalibration of the α parameter. Considering the current energy market context, with elevated system imbalance prices, Elia focused on a solution that can be implemented on short notice to maximize the effect for the market parties. During the consultation period, a workshop with stakeholders is planned to present and discuss the proposal.


Elia invites all stakeholders to submit comments and suggestions they may have on the document submitted for consultation.

The consultation period runs from December 3, 2021 to December 17, 2021.

After the consultation period, Elia will collect all comments and feedback from the market parties. Elia will analyse these comments and integrate them into a consultation report together with Elia’s responses. In addition to the consultation report, Elia will publish the reactions of the market parties (including names) on its website, unless it is explicitly stated that the contribution is to be considered confidential.

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